ANSC 117 Brazilian barbecue, 2014 version

Cupim (hump)

Cupim (hump)

Once again, Dr. Flavio Ribeiro, a native of Brazil, a former graduate student in the Department of Animal Science, and current faculty member at Prairie View A&M University, came to ANSC 117, Texas Barbecue to teach the students something about Brazil and the very popular Brazilian style of barbecue. The Brazilian barbecue class always is a hit with our students, and wonderful beef was served to all.

The Brazilian style of cooking is very simple: meat, coarse sea salt, and fire/smoke. As usual, pictures are better than words, so here are some photos from class.

Flavio preparing the cuts:

Flavio preparing barbecue

Flavio preparing barbecue

Preparing sirloin flap

Preparing sirloin flap

Picanha and sirloin flap

Picanha and sirloin flap

Cinder-block pit and sea-salt seasoning:

Cinder-block pit for Brazilian barbecue

Cinder-block pit for Brazilian barbecue

Coarse sea salt going on

Coarse sea salt going on

Meat cooking:

Cupim (humps) cooking

Cupim (humps) cooking

Brazilian barbecue cooking

Brazilian barbecue cooking

Costela (chuck short ribs)

Costela (chuck short ribs)

Chuck short ribs

Chuck short ribs

Skewered beef cooking

Skewered beef cooking

Chuck short ribs

Chuck short ribs


Slicing and serving:

Carving cupim (hump)

Carving cupim (hump)

Flavio and Robert admiring barbecue

Flavio and Robert admiring barbecue

Carving cupim (hump)

Carving cupim (hump)

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