Category Archives: Barbecue tidbits

Smoking Ground Beef Patties

Color and Food Safety Considerations When Smoking versus Grilling Ground Beef Patties Dr. Davey Griffin, Professor and Extension Meat Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Several barbecue companies have been featuring specials such as smoked hamburgers to expand their menu selections.  Dr. Davey Griffin recently wrote “Color and Food Safety Considerations When Smoking versus Grilling Ground Beef Patties” to help chefs and consumers understand what differences to expect when smoking ground beef.  Internal pink color associated with a traditional smoke ring can oftentimes be mistaken for the ground… Read More →

As brisket grows in popularity, prices reach all-time highs | AgriLife Today

COLLEGE STATION — Barbecue season is upon us, and as the demand for brisket soars, so does the price. “These prices have really skyrocketed, and this is a demand-driven phenomenon,” said Dr. David Anderson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service livestock economist in College Station. “What used to be a very inexpensive cut, the primal brisket is now only behind the primal rib and loin in value,” Anderson said. “In the last week of May, the comprehensive cutout brisket value was $213.47 per hundredweight, up 19.4% from the same… Read More →

Importance of seasoned wood for smoking barbecue

Using properly seasoned wood to smoke barbecue is one of the keys to having great flavored meat. As a long-time contributor to the “Wood and Smoke” panels for the Foodways Texas Barbecue Summer Camp and Camp Brisket, Dr. Nick Nickelson of Fort Worth brings years of experience and technical knowledge to the subject of wood and smoke, and he always adds so much to the discussion of all things barbecue. One of the points that Dr. Nick makes is that it is important to use seasoned wood when… Read More →

Barbecue Cut Identification | AggieMeat

Note: This page was developed by Davey Griffin for a youth event at the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. It is an excellent link to photos related to the most common barbecue cuts. JWS Although most meat cuts could be prepared as a barbecue product, there are a number of meat products commonly considered for barbecue techniques.  Many of them might be less desirable if prepared by other cooking methods.  Below are links to photographs and descriptions of some of the meat cuts most often used for barbecue…. Read More →

PBS series, “BBQ with Franklin,” visits Texas A&M University

The PBS series, “BBQ with Franklin,” featured a segment on the award-winning Beef 101 program in Episode 9, “Pickin’ Beef.” Aaron Franklin, who was a participant in Beef 101 several years ago, came back to campus to show his audience about the cuts of beef, especially those from the rib section, which are quite popular in the barbecue scene these days. Aaron set in on an overview of anatomy by Davey Griffin, was in a beef cutting group led by Leslie Frenzel, and paid a visit to the… Read More →

After Rub, Heat And Char, Barbecued Meat Needs A Good Rest : The Salt : NPR

Jim Shahin For years, barbecue hounds planned their visits to barbecue joints with the precision of a Special Forces operation. Why? Because they knew there was a narrow window when the smoked meat would be at its juiciest, smokiest best. Once the window had closed, a platter of would-be sublimity typically deteriorated into a pile of dried-out disappointment. The problem was the “hold.” After the meat finished cooking, it had to be kept warm for service through the day. That could mean anything from storing it on a… Read More →

Louie Mueller Barbecue caters for Dr. Temple Grandin luncheon

Dr. Temple Grandin, professor of animal science at Colorado State University, recently received an honorary degree from Texas A&M University. During her time at Texas A&M University, the Department of Animal Science hosted a luncheon for her at the Equine Complex along with an opportunity for her to speak to faculty, staff, and students about some of her research on animal handling. On previous trips to Texas A&M University, Dr. Grandin has expressed her love of Texas Barbecue, and with that in mind, we asked Wayne Mueller of… Read More →

Beef Ribs: BBQs Next Big Deal | Houstonia Magazine

Robb Walsh is right, beef ribs are both wonderful and taking the Texas Barbecue scene by storm. Read his great story about them in the Houstonia Magazine.  JWS. Published Sep 19, 2013, 10:24am By Robb Walsh Don’t miss the beef ribs at Killen’s BBQ pop-up in Pearland this weekend. Beef ribs are getting more popular among the barbecue cognescenti, and Ronnie Killen is doing amazing things with these underappreciated cuts. It’s all about the flavor: a well-cooked beef rib is just as succulent as a perfectly cooked brisket,… Read More →

Meat & Poultry | Manning the grill triggers high anxiety

Brian Savage wrote this wonderful piece about barbecue. Thanks for the nice quotes. KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Growing up, my mom prepared all meat and poultry products just one way: well done. This was particularly true when it came to barbecuing proteins on the grill. Each year when summer finally arrived, we’d drag our little Weber grill out of our cluttered, small garage, chase the spiders from it and give it a thorough cleaning and scrubbing using several Brillo pads a wire brush and a hose. Great barbecuing… Read More →

BBQ Tip: Know the right meat temperatures when barbecuing

Meeting minimum internal temperatures when cooking meats is key for food safety. Meeting minimum internal temperatures is important in ensuring that safe products are prepared and served. Using an accurate meat thermometer is key to knowing that these temperatures have been reached. Newly revised USDA cooking temperatures now have: Steaks, roasts, and chops from beef, pork, and lamb cooked to at least 145°F with a three-minute rest time before serving. Ground beef, pork, and lamb because of the mixed nature of these products must be cooked to 160°F…. Read More →