BBQ Tip: Keep “hot foods hot, cold foods cold”

In barbecuing, remember to keep hot food hot (>140°F) and cold food cold (<40°) to ensure safe foods.

In barbecuing, one of the simplest ways to ensure safe food handling is to make sure that hot foods remain hot (>140°) and cold foods remain cold (<40°F).

Keeping hot foods hot will prevent toxins and spores from being produced when foods fall below the critical temperature of 140°F.  Keeping cold foods cold will prevent both spoilage and toxin formation when foods are held above 40°F for extended time periods.

Barbecuing often takes place at parks, campgrounds, and tailgates, which may be places where holding foods either hot or cold can be a challenge.  Remember the importance of holding cooked foods above 140°, and when you have finished serving them, to cool them below 40°F as soon as possible.

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