Tag Archives: Evan LeRoy

Camp Brisket 2017 edition

The fifth Camp Brisket, a joint venture between Foodways Texas and the Meat Science Section of the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University, was held on January 6-7, 2017 at the Rosenthal Meat Center and the Beef Cattle Center at the O.D. Butler Animal Science Complex. About 60 participants from around the U.S. embarked on a journey to learn more about the ultimate challenge preparing that most difficult dish of Texas Barbecue cuisine, the brisket. Camp Brisket was coordinated by Texas A&M University meat science educators, Davey Griffin, Ray Riley, and Jeff Savell, and who were… Read More →

Third Texas Barbecue Town Hall meeting held

Owners/operators and pitmasters from some of the leading barbecue restaurants throughout Texas participated in the third Texas Barbecue Town Hall meeting, which was held at the Kleberg Animal and Food Science Center and the Rosenthal Meat Center on Monday, December 12, 2016. About 45 people were in attendance, and participants received updates on livestock and meat markets for beef, pork, chicken, and turkey by David Anderson, professor and extension economist, Department of Agricultural Economics, food safety overview for restaurants by Kerri Gehring, associate professor in the Department of… Read More →

Aggies participate in General Electric Science of Barbecue Experience at South By Southwest

Davey Griffin, Ray Riley, and Jeff Savell participated in the General Electric Science of Barbecue Experience, which was held in conjunction with South By Southwest in Austin, Texas on March 14-15, 2015. The group made two presentations, the first one on the cuts of pork and beef used for barbecue, and the second one on trimming and seasoning of beef briskets. The key feature of the Science of Barbecue Experience was the 12-foot smoker that was used to demonstrate the technical side of cooking/smoking. Evan LeRoy of Freedmen’s… Read More →